Lincoln, Titanic, Spa
„Heard you went to the spa yesterday?“
„Spas are stupid.“
„Kind of.“
„My wife is stupid.“
„She made you go.“
„It’s okay.“
„I told her you were fine but sometimes she just does whatever.“
„It’s okay, really.“
„In South Dakota there are four presidents carved into a mountain.“
„On the Discovery channel, they said it took fourteen years to make their faces and they almost added a lady. But then they didn’t. Don’t you think that’s weird?“
„Have you ever seen it?“
„Mount Rushmore.“
„Uh, yes. I go there every freaking week because it’s so interesting. Who doesn’t want to look at presidents‘ faces carved into a mountain?“
„You’ve seen Lincoln?“
„The movie?“
„Day-Lewis will get another Oscar, I tell you.“
„I love watching the Oscar ceremony. You never know which celebrity will melt into a babbling idiot. Only to return to his seat wishing he’d stayed at home and watched the show on TV like the rest of us.“
„Remember James Cameron? Shouting ‚I’m the king of the world!‘ as he waved his trophy. Then he calls for a moment of silence in remembrance of the 1,500 people who died when the ship went down. Next thing he reverts to hyperventilating hysteria and yells: ‚Now let’s party ‚til dawn.‘ You know what I love about fishing?“
„The silence. None of our darlings and honeys around to encourage anyone to go to the spas.“